I say this understandingly: vegetables aren't everyone's cup of tea. If I had to choose between a savory steak or a salad, I'd likely go for the former (although it would be ideal to have it served WITH a salad). BUT as we all know, since we need vegetables in a well-balanced, nutritious diet, ...
Easiest One Pot Rice Cooker Rice Recipe
There's only so much time in a day, let alone 24 hours to prep and cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, work 8+ hours, do household chores, etc. That is the sole reason why I’ve created rackoflam.com, because I am aware that life as a working parent, or a busy person in general, can be challenging. By ...
White Sugar Sponge Cake (Bai Tang Gao/Bak Tong Gou 白糖糕)
With age comes wrinkles and gray hair, but also lots of great memories to share (hey, that rhymes!). Memories from my childhood pastimes are often triggered by food, since that is my parents' love language. A perfect example is White Sugar Sponge Cake or Bak Tong Gou in Cantonese and Bai Tang Gao in ...
Creamy Pasta Soup
The pasta we know is commonly topped with tomato-based sauces and cheese, which is super appetizing to our palates, easy to prepare and difficult to resist. However, pasta doesn't always have to be served that way! My kids love Asian noodles served in thin soups or broths, but I didn't have any ...
Crispy Korean Vegetable Pancake with Dipping Sauce (Yachaejeon 야채전)
I'm sitting here snacking on a bag of chips as I type out this blog post. I know I'm going to feel extremely guilty upon finishing the entire bag, but I can't resist the crispiness, salt content and the slight oozing of grease into my mouth. What is it about chips that are so irresistible? Well, ...