If there's one food item that makes the perfect breakfast, lunch or snack, it’s Tamago Sando. If you have been lucky enough to visit Japan, you're likely aware of how affordable, yet delicious tamago sando are. These are Japanese-style egg sandwiches that combine soft, fluffy eggs with rich, creamy ...
EASIEST Milk Bread Recipe (No Tang Zhong Needed)
Bread is one of my guilty pleasures. I'd eat them with fillings AND I'd eat them plain. Don't be alarmed if you ever see me walking around Paris one day with a loaf of baguette in arm or in Chinatown digging my face into a char siu bao. There's nothing better than fresh bread, still hot and toasty ...
Acai Bowl (using Acai Powder)
Back in April, I traveled to Hawaii with my in-laws, where I had one too many acai bowls. It's been unbearably hot and steamy in New York this summer and I haven't had much of an appetite for heavy meals, so figured incorporating acai bowls into my diet will be appropriate!What is Açaí?Açaí, which ...
White Sugar Sponge Cake (Bai Tang Gao/Bak Tong Gou 白糖糕)
With age comes wrinkles and gray hair, but also lots of great memories to share (hey, that rhymes!). Memories from my childhood pastimes are often triggered by food, since that is my parents' love language. A perfect example is White Sugar Sponge Cake or Bak Tong Gou in Cantonese and Bai Tang Gao in ...
Vietnamese Egg Coffee (Cà Phê Trứng) Recipe
Coffee is my absolute weakness, especially a bold cup made with Robusta coffee beans with some added sweetened condensed milk, aka Vietnamese coffee. My other half is Vietnamese, but I am sharing an unbiased opinion here: Vietnamese coffee is one of the best coffees out there! You have the ...
Fujianese Peanut Noodles (Ban Mian 拌面)
There is a city located in the Fujian Province of China called Fuzhou, and THAT is where both of my parents are from. You may have thought that I was Cantonese and from Hong Kong, due to the recipes that I've shared on my blog, but yes, if you've been wondering ... I am Fuzhounese! Our cuisine is ...
Chinese Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Beans (豉汁蒸排骨)
Back in the days, my family and I would have dim sum practically every weekend, on Sundays specifically, which was the only day my immigrant parents were off from work. As with most children, I often craved the rice noodle dishes, bao, har gow, siu mai and desserts that came down those carts. Adults ...
Chinese Steamed Eggs (蒸蛋) Recipe
I vividly recall the dinners that I used to have with my family as a little child, when my mom was still with us. No matter how busy, my parents ensured there was a nice spread of dishes on the table for their children on a nightly basis. Now that I am a full-time working mother myself, I honestly ...
Water Chestnut Cake (Ma Tai Go 馬蹄糕)
Dim sum is an Asian delicacy. Each dumpling is intricately wrapped with beautiful detailing, each rice noodle is rolled to perfection with delicious filling, and others are cut into cubic structures and made with flours that result in extraordinary finishes. Examples of the latter are taro and ...
French Crepes Recipe
I so long to visit France because of picturesque evidences of how beautiful and romantic the country is and its culinary features on TV and the web. Many world renowned chefs and bakers were professionally trained in France, creating dishes that I salivate just thinking about - Duck à l'Orange, Coq ...
Instant Pot (Leftover) Rotisserie Chicken Congee
If you frequent Costco like I do and often pick up a $4.99 rotisserie chicken for a quick lunch/dinner, you may appreciate this recipe that I am about to share! Yes, leftover rotisserie chicken (and turkey from Thanksgiving) make great sandwiches, but try using it to make a pot of heart-warming and ...
Chinese Tomato Egg Stir-fry (番茄炒蛋)
While I wouldn't hesitate to spend hours cooking up a storm for a spectacular dish that my family enjoys, I am a firm believer that good food shouldn't require half a day to prepare. Obviously, this also holds true because I almost always have my hands tied, taking care of my children, working or ...