With age comes wrinkles and gray hair, but also lots of great memories to share (hey, that rhymes!). Memories from my childhood pastimes are often triggered by food, since that is my parents' love language. A perfect example is White Sugar Sponge Cake or Bak Tong Gou in Cantonese and Bai Tang Gao in ...
Pandan Jelly for Cendol / Che Banh Lot Dessert
Cendol is a dessert that is commonly served in Southeast Asia and contains worm-like pandan droplets that are silky, soft and slippery, all the reasons that made me fall in love with it. The pandan jelly is paired perfectly with crushed ice and sweetened coconut milk, making it an unbeatable ...
Water Chestnut Cake (Ma Tai Go 馬蹄糕)
Dim sum is an Asian delicacy. Each dumpling is intricately wrapped with beautiful detailing, each rice noodle is rolled to perfection with delicious filling, and others are cut into cubic structures and made with flours that result in extraordinary finishes. Examples of the latter are taro and ...
French Crepes Recipe
I so long to visit France because of picturesque evidences of how beautiful and romantic the country is and its culinary features on TV and the web. Many world renowned chefs and bakers were professionally trained in France, creating dishes that I salivate just thinking about - Duck à l'Orange, Coq ...
3 Ingredients Matcha Green Tea Ice Cream (No Churn Recipe)
Temperatures have been rising lately, putting me in the mood for some refreshing ice cream! What's great about making this treat at home is: you do not need an ice cream maker! The only appliance necessary is a hand mixer, alternatively a standing mixer or your hands + a whisk! As if that is not ...
Red Bean Pudding Cake (Boot Jai Go 砵仔糕) Recipe
If it is not obvious enough, I love the Hong Kong cuisine and street foods! A huge contributor may be my upbringing - being raised in a Cantonese-speaking household that lived just a few blocks away from Chinatown and went to TVB series for entertainment 😁. For these reasons, I've discovered foods ...
Taro Tapioca (Sago) with Coconut Milk Recipe (芋頭西米露)
If I was asked to name a few of my favorite Asian desserts, I'd provide you with this list:I've provided my recipes for the first 2, so I figured I would check the last one off so that you can experience the creamy goodness provided by taro tapioca! Taro tapioca with coconut milk is a delightful ...
Bob’s Red Mill Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix
Who would've thought that we'd still be working from home, while our toddler(s) are running around the house, in mid-November? It's been 8 crazy months of wfh as a result of this pandemic and my guess is it will go on for another year or so, given there has been another huge spike in cases. What ...
Ginger Milk Egg White Custard / Pudding Recipe (薑奶燉蛋白)
On my last post, I demonstrated how I extract fresh ginger juice at home, which I use for ginger tea as flu season approaches. Ginger juice has many health benefits that should not be ignored! Therefore, in addition to tea, I incorporate the juice into my meals through one of my favorite Chinese ...
Cloud Bread Recipe & Hurricane Isaias Ramblings
Before I even had the chance to submit a post on the cloud bread recipe that I recently tested and posted a YouTube video on (last Tuesday), I experienced a power outage that lasted about 6 days. Thanks to Hurricane Isaias, countless trees were uprooted by my neighborhood, accompanied by down power ...
Coconut Jelly Recipe (椰汁糕)
If you haven't noticed, I LOVE dim sum and Chinese (mainly Cantonese) desserts! I've shared recipes for Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Beans, Bak Tong Gou and Water Chestnut Cake, all extremely popular choices amongst the Chinese community. I'm not going to stop without sharing my recipe to one of my ...