With age comes wrinkles and gray hair, but also lots of great memories to share (hey, that rhymes!). Memories from my childhood pastimes are often triggered by food, since that is my parents' love language. A perfect example is White Sugar Sponge Cake or Bak Tong Gou in Cantonese and Bai Tang Gao in ...
Creamy Pasta Soup
The pasta we know is commonly topped with tomato-based sauces and cheese, which is super appetizing to our palates, easy to prepare and difficult to resist. However, pasta doesn't always have to be served that way! My kids love Asian noodles served in thin soups or broths, but I didn't have any ...
Crispy Korean Vegetable Pancake with Dipping Sauce (Yachaejeon 야채전)
I'm sitting here snacking on a bag of chips as I type out this blog post. I know I'm going to feel extremely guilty upon finishing the entire bag, but I can't resist the crispiness, salt content and the slight oozing of grease into my mouth. What is it about chips that are so irresistible? Well, ...
Fujianese Peanut Noodles (Ban Mian 拌面)
There is a city located in the Fujian Province of China called Fuzhou, and THAT is where both of my parents are from. You may have thought that I was Cantonese and from Hong Kong, due to the recipes that I've shared on my blog, but yes, if you've been wondering ... I am Fuzhounese! Our cuisine is ...
Shrimp and Chayote Stir-fry (佛手瓜炒蝦)
You know what fruit needs a little more love? CHAYOTE!! If you're unsure what this is, I bet you have come across, but overlooked, them at the Asian supermarket. Thanks to my parents, this ingredient was introduced to me as a child. They often stir-fried chayote alone or with shrimp or pork, and I ...
Vegetable Japchae (Stir-fried Sweet Potato Starch Noodles)
K-pop, Korean dramas and Korean skincare are THE craze right now. I don't go a day scrolling through my social media feed OR NETFLIX without seeing something from the Korean culture, which is Ah-mazing! While I love all of the above, I also love the Korean cuisine and I am sure most of you do too ...
Chinese Steamed Eggs (蒸蛋) Recipe
I vividly recall the dinners that I used to have with my family as a little child, when my mom was still with us. No matter how busy, my parents ensured there was a nice spread of dishes on the table for their children on a nightly basis. Now that I am a full-time working mother myself, I honestly ...
Halloween Sushi and Sushi Rice Recipe
Halloween is right around the corner and I've got lots to plan! Besides shopping for affordable decorations for our yard and deciding which princess my daughter is going to dress up as this year (or whether she'd finally put on that Maleficent costume), I've been trying to figure out what fun things ...
French Crepes Recipe
I so long to visit France because of picturesque evidences of how beautiful and romantic the country is and its culinary features on TV and the web. Many world renowned chefs and bakers were professionally trained in France, creating dishes that I salivate just thinking about - Duck à l'Orange, Coq ...
Shrimp Yaki Udon (Stir Fried Udon Noodles)
This busy mama has yet another quick, time-saving stir fried recipe to share! This time, it isn't for protein to pair with your white rice, but rather, a saucy and delicious one-pan stir-fried noodle dish: Shrimp Yaki Udon! Yaki udon is simply stir-fried udon noodles. It is commonly served in ...
Stir Fried Pea Shoots with Minced Garlic (蒜蓉炒豆苗)
Stir fried vegetables may appear simple, but can be difficult to perfect. There MUST be A or THE method, you say, or restaurants wouldn't be able to serve Chinese vegetables the way they do - glossy, smokey with subtle yet powerful flavors. Yes, you're right about that, and I'll share with you how ...
Instant Pot (Leftover) Rotisserie Chicken Congee
If you frequent Costco like I do and often pick up a $4.99 rotisserie chicken for a quick lunch/dinner, you may appreciate this recipe that I am about to share! Yes, leftover rotisserie chicken (and turkey from Thanksgiving) make great sandwiches, but try using it to make a pot of heart-warming and ...