With age comes wrinkles and gray hair, but also lots of great memories to share (hey, that rhymes!). Memories from my childhood pastimes are often triggered by food, since that is my parents' love language. A perfect example is White Sugar Sponge Cake or Bak Tong Gou in Cantonese and Bai Tang Gao in ...
Cheung Fun (Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls) 肠粉 Shortcut Recipe
Cheung fun (steamed rice noodle rolls) is a Cantonese street food that is topped with tasty sauces and often eaten as breakfast, lunch or a snack. The most common pairing with cheung fun is curried fish balls. When I used to reside in Lower Manhattan, specifically Two Bridges, my family and I would ...
Red Bean Pudding Cake (Boot Jai Go 砵仔糕) Recipe
If it is not obvious enough, I love the Hong Kong cuisine and street foods! A huge contributor may be my upbringing - being raised in a Cantonese-speaking household that lived just a few blocks away from Chinatown and went to TVB series for entertainment 😁. For these reasons, I've discovered foods ...
Taro Tapioca (Sago) with Coconut Milk Recipe (芋頭西米露)
If I was asked to name a few of my favorite Asian desserts, I'd provide you with this list:I've provided my recipes for the first 2, so I figured I would check the last one off so that you can experience the creamy goodness provided by taro tapioca! Taro tapioca with coconut milk is a delightful ...